Friday, August 27, 2010


Dear Future Tracy,

You just drove across the country for the second time with your loving, patient husband and your sweet, inquisitive son that never ever ever ever stops talking. Congratulations.

Present Day Tracy

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The last week and a half was graced with Mercy's presence and new adventures (here, too, employees can bring their pups to work!). [Did I spend too much on stickers? Yes. Yes, I did. Does my kid even like stickers? No. No, he does not.)

H developed a love for smoked gouda, red quinoa (yes, I just had to Google that for the spelling) and pistachios (that, too).

But look at these best-ies (with weirdly placed kid in the photo)!

 Now's your chance to weigh in on The Great Bang Debate of 2010 (bring it on here: honesty is a gal's best friend)! Other than her other best friend.

Sonoma County Fair

There is nothing better than the county fair. Except the county fair when it's free. And your parking is free. Because you won tickets from your local library. Because you are awesome.

You'll note that the Sonoma County Fair doesn't mess around:

I can't even tell you how many times we had to return to the car to drop off our knives! Hundreds. Maybe tens of hundreds. Hundreds of hundreds?

A lady inside this little booth assured me that I ought not worry about money (Ha! She apparently is unaware of the ER visit bill I received the same week.) and that our family will live in the Chicagoland area for a couple of years. Also: two boys and a girl, if we so desire. Do we? Ask the Mister.

Who doesn't want to ride on the Black Widow formerly owned by Mr. Michael Jackson?! Oh. You? Me either.

Total bargain cheese on a stick: $3.50
Cowpoke and water pump, together at last

This is what we came to see, folks! The big event! The Amazing Acro-Cats!

I saw three minutes of this cat rock performance before H let me know he was sick of performing cats in various forms.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

$1.69! $1.69!

Grandpa R came out west last week for his visit and tour of San Francisco.

We finally rode one of these!

Hen spent the weekend with his pop, trying to learn the mechanics of the potty while his mama flew home to Wiscownsin (note: humidity, mosquitoes) to see her family and get tattooed on Lauryn's 18th birthday.

And we are hosting our BFF Muuurcy now (who H mistakenly keeps calling grandma). We stopped at Target for a bottle of shaving cream, setting us back $1.69, but providing some good clean fun for 30 minutes.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I fell in to a splashin' ring of water/I spent $5.00/I missed Tom Waits

Hen and I found our way to Howarth Park in Santa Rosa in spite of Google's 100% inaccurate directions. And let the splashing begin!

I spent $4.99 on this poorly reviewed water rocket and had great results.

[Right now: Hen is screaming at Mike to turn up the LCD Soundsystem song "Drunk Girls" "LOUDER! LOUDER!"]

After the Law Review freed Mike from his shackles this morning, we went to Wild Cat Adventures in Sebastopol but Hen had little tolerance for the cheetah that was 10 feet away from him and we had to sneak out between kitties, lest we cause some sort of mauling with our disruptive child that will talk about lions incessantly at any time other than when he isn't in the presence of wild cats. Here's a blurry photo of a, um, cat.

Sebastopol, California is my new favorite place: home to a tiny Whole Foods, Tom Waits (man, I would have loved to do my Tom Waits impression to Tom Waits!), and multiple yarn stores and chocolatiers. We shared a veggie melt at Slice of Life while an acoustic guitarist played "Puff the Magic Dragon" and "Moonshadow" for the kids. Our kid. Who clapped wildly.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Plum Loco!

We welcomed Grandma C this week, which resulted in long drives to the hotspots around Sonoma County for various baked goods.

And what did H learn? To blow bubbles!

To eat plums!

To build sand castles!

We also went to the 18th Annual Cotati Children's Festival, themed "Welcome to Candyland". For a town of 7,000, they really have it together up here: funnel cake aplenty, a Diaper Derby crawling baby race (man, babies do NOT like being raced!), and a lot of advertising--a muffler shop, Avon, Boy Scouts. H made puffball ice cream!

Thanks for the visit (and the marbles!), Gma C!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Train Town and Sonoma

Because Mike googled "petting zoo," we found ourselves at Train Town in Sonoma, riding a miniature train ("The Most Well-Developed Scale R.R. in the Americas") through a ten acre park.


There were goats, of course.




We introduced Henry to my favorite sport. Then I lost while Mike was holding our 30 pound kid in one arm.


We also went into Sonoma city for Nepalese food and Mike commented on how foreign everything smelled. [Note: he was probably smelling himself.]